
Heavy Construction: Cranes, Excavators and Bulldozers

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Heavy Construction: Cranes, Excavators and Bulldozers

Hi, my name is Richard, and I have an obsession with heavy construction equipment. It all began when I was just a little kid. My dad used to work in construction, and he would sometimes let me visit the site he was working on. I was fascinated by these giant machines that could lift impossible weights, dig massive holes and demolish buildings in the blink of an eye. Even though I didn't go on to work in the construction business myself, I follow the industry very closely. I decided to start a blog so I had somewhere to share my thoughts. I hope you enjoy reading it.


What to Know about Mini Spider Cranes and Crane Hire

When you are considering using a crane hire for smaller cranes, spider cranes may come to mind. If you have never considered these types of cranes or used them before, there are a few things you should know. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind about mini spider cranes, including what they can do for your worksite and how you can benefit from this type of option.  Strength Limits Read More 

Two ways to prevent a storm from disrupting your construction project

Whilst stormy weather can make it harder to perform construction work, there are things you can do to prevent it from disrupting your building project. Continue reading if you want to find out what these things are. Instruct the person who will be using the excavator to put the mounds of soil far away from the excavation area After the employee from the excavation services firm arrives at your site, you should instruct them to transfer the soil that they pick up from the excavation area to a part of the plot that is as far away from this area as possible. Read More 

Important Things to Note About AluminIum Shoring

Aluminium shoring is lightweight and can easily be used by small machines and crews. They are made of products that meet a wide range of construction jobs and safety requirements. Companies that provide this give you options so you can choose what is best for you. Aside from that, only two people are needed to assemble them, and multiple options are offered so they can easily be placed onsite. Before you choose an aluminium shoring company, you should know what the important considerations are. Read More 

Drum Sander Questions: Do You Need Dust Bags?

If you're renovating an old house for a customer, then they may have asked you to sand some of the floors rather than replace them. If the floors are in useable condition but need levelling or have decades of varnish on them, then you may have decided to use a drum sander to sand them down. These sanders are great for heavy-duty floor work, allowing you to turn a difficult job into a quick one. Read More 

3 Technologies That Construction Safety Inspectors Should Adopt

As a height safety equipment inspector in a startup construction company, you are responsible for ensuring that every site worker observes safety procedures. This is especially true for construction workers using devices at significant heights. Failure to take charge of safety measures might lead to expensive litigation cases or loss of work and reputation. Several developments have been realised regarding height safety inspection gear to facilitate the work of height safety equipment inspectors. Read More