
Heavy Construction: Cranes, Excavators and Bulldozers

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Heavy Construction: Cranes, Excavators and Bulldozers

Hi, my name is Richard, and I have an obsession with heavy construction equipment. It all began when I was just a little kid. My dad used to work in construction, and he would sometimes let me visit the site he was working on. I was fascinated by these giant machines that could lift impossible weights, dig massive holes and demolish buildings in the blink of an eye. Even though I didn't go on to work in the construction business myself, I follow the industry very closely. I decided to start a blog so I had somewhere to share my thoughts. I hope you enjoy reading it.


Two ways to prevent a storm from disrupting your construction project

Whilst stormy weather can make it harder to perform construction work, there are things you can do to prevent it from disrupting your building project. Continue reading if you want to find out what these things are.

Instruct the person who will be using the excavator to put the mounds of soil far away from the excavation area

After the employee from the excavation services firm arrives at your site, you should instruct them to transfer the soil that they pick up from the excavation area to a part of the plot that is as far away from this area as possible.

The reason for this is that if the winds get very strong during this stage of the project and the excavator operator leaves large piles of loose soil right next to the excavation area, this soil could be blown back into the trench by the wind. This would then result in the operator of this equipment having to spend more time removing this soil from the excavation, which could then result in the rest of the foundation construction work being delayed.

Furthermore, if there are other construction workers standing in the trench when the winds blow the soil back into it, they could get hurt. If they are injured by this incident, they may then need to have medical treatment; this, too, could negatively affect the progress of the building work.

If on the other hand, the excavator operator places the soil from the excavated area on the opposite end of the plot, the chances of this soil being flung back towards the trench by the winds will be much lower.

Ensure that the blades of any bulldozers on the site are kept in the right position when this equipment is parked

If you will be using several bulldozers during the early stages of your project, then you should instruct the people who will be operating them to ensure that the blades of these bulldozers are tilted downward when they leave this machinery parked on the site.

The reason for this is that the blades on a lot of bulldozers are concave. As such, if during the storm, it rains a lot, any bulldozers whose concave blades are tilted slightly upwards towards the sky will end up filling with water. When these bulldozers are then switched on again and driven, the water that has pooled on their blades may end up pouring out--onto people working nearby (which may lead to these people having to go home to change their clothes) or landing on piles of construction materials. The latter could be disastrous if the materials in question include pieces of untreated timber or bags of plaster powder, as the rainwater could ruin these items.